Professional Vacuum Sealers usually refers to top of the range vacuum sealing equipment. It certainly isn’t the type of equipment available for pennies on any of our popular auction sites!
And for sure vacuum sealers alternatively known as vacuum packers or vacuum packagers are used to seal up DVDs, clothes, precision medical equipment, and other things but we’ll be sticking to vacuum sealers used for food. That of course is the use normally met with on a day to day basis.
As one might guess such professional equipment is used for the greatest part in commercial contexts: in factories, in mass catering and the like.
Naturally as one might expect, the same purchasing criteria don’t apply in domestic and commercial situations. For a start, the calculation of economics will be different due to the different scales of operation.
As might be expected professional equipment will be tougher. A great deal tougher in point of fact. A professional piece of equipment not to put too fine a point on it must stand up to abuse from personnel whose prime consideration may be completing a task in the minimum time regardless of wear and tear on the machinery being used.
Another important consideration is whether one wants an external bag machine or a chamber vacuum machine. No such ‘complexity’ enters in when one is buying equipment for the home. Chamber vacuum packers are very bulky and expensive pieces of equipment in comparison with external bag machines.
Obviously there must be reasons why someone would purchase a dearer machine. It’s just that the purchasing decision involves such factors as production runs where the cost of bag usage critically affects the overall economics. When one uses external bag machines the total cost of bags tends to be greater. Also the maintenance cost of these machines tends to be lower.
Space considerations can enter in as well. One needs to not only have room for the bulkier chamber vacuum sealer but if we take the situation where the sitting of the equipment is subject to change, an external bag machine would be more likely the machine of choice.
So there’s a lot to be considered. It isn’t something where one needs to call in a consultant but it frankly it isn’t a decision one makes based on one or two lines of sales hype read hurriedly on a website. With professional vacuum sealers, one may well be making a purchase of over a thousand dollars. This is a sum of money most of us would wish to spend wisely.